Faith is taking that first step when you can’t see the whole staircase”

Think. Just for a moment, let everything go and relax. Do you remember ever meeting someone and having them change the way you saw everything? It could have been in their eyes, so deeply blue that you felt there was more beyond the surface. Or it could have been their smile, so heartfelt and sincere there was no possible way it could keep you from smiling just as broad. In fact, everything about this one person made you feel a happiness that was, on any other day, completely allusive. This doesn’t have to be a lover of yours, a family member or even a friend. This could have been a complete stranger.  Regardless of who they were, they made you believe in who you were and who you could be. They gave you something so special; a truth so tangible that you never wanted to let it go. Now… do you remember what it felt like to lose all of that? Your stomach knotted and you felt so undeniably weak, like you had just run a marathon carrying a ton of bricks on your back. There was a sense of emptiness that confused you; a deep rooted aching that made your heart so heavy. In some cases staggered breathing would occur, not being able to control your breaths as you walked, drove, or lay in your bed. Do you remember what it felt like to know you would never see them again?

I want you to know, whoever you are, that someone, somewhere, at some point in time has felt this way about you.  Have faith in the future and in your decisions, but mostly, have faith in yourself. Though we have never met, I know you are a strong individual who deserves the world.

So have a little faith, and just remember someone out there loves you.


Happy Valentine’s Day!



Blithe Zane Vanderbilt

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    In the end, what we regret most are the chances we never took.